​School of Foreign Languages

作者: 审核: 时间:2018-05-16 点击数:

Our School of Foreign Languagesdates back to the year of 1963 when the English department was founded. It was one of the earliest schools in Xuchanguniversity, which lies in the heart of Xuchang City, a national ecologicalgarden citywell-known for its Three-Kingdoms culture.

Our School now offers different programs ranging from English education, Translation, Business English to Japanese to help our students make the most of the many opportunities that exist in the workplace. Moreover, ourEnglish program is worth mentioning for it ranks first in the front of universities in Henan Province, and the course of English Phoneticshas been granted the titles of “Provincial Quality Course” and “Provincial Resources-sharing Course”. These varied programs as well as the Practice-oriented training the School promotes attract both many students to our School, which makes for a very interesting and diverse student body.

If you love languages and the challenge of working between languages in a world that is more and more interconnected, then our School offers a friendly, and very professional, learning environment for you to hone your skills. OurSchool is equipped with excellent facilities, allowing students access to the latest skills and information in teaching and research. It not only offers many opportunities for students to gain work experience through internships, but also facilitates students’ job searches. In fact, many of our students are working in the field well before they have completed their diplomas, and virtually all of them find work upon finishing.

Our School has a strong and outstanding faculty, among them 18 have professor and associate professor titles, 5 have graduated with Ph. D degrees and many of them have oversea exchange and training experiences. Its professors have a high reputation for research as well as solid teaching experience, and their work is enhanced by practice for they regularly teach special courses and share their experience.

We look forward to meeting you!

 地址:文科综合楼18-19楼 联系电话:0374-2968966 邮箱:wgyxy@xcu.edu.cn

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