
作者: 审核: 时间:2017-10-21 点击数:



  1. 人工定额的系统动力学模型研究,会计之友,2014 年第十二月期。


  2. 财经类院校工程管理专业高峰体验课探讨,科教导刊,2013 年第八期。


  3. 抓住机遇,深化贵阳市融资平台公司改革,企业决策,2014 年第 71 期。


  4. Research on Satisfaction of the Cigarette Retailers in Tobacco Business Enterprises Based on PLS Path Model2013管理国际学术会议论文集,978-1-60595-127-0.


  5. Research on Labor Quota in Retried Enterprise Based on System Dynamics, 2014 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Science.

  6. The Agent-based Value Co-creation Behaviors in Online Health Communities and Its Influencing FactorsC e Ca

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